107學年生物資訊學課程 學習反應調查表
一、學生背景: Student's background 系級Degree: 碩士生 Master student 博士班 PhD student
二、授課老師滿意程度 Satisfaction Questionnaire for lecturers
Exremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not at all satisfied
1.孫孝芳 老師Dr. H.Sunny Sun
2.蔡少正 老師Dr. Shaw-Jenq Tsai
3.陳淑慧 老師Dr. Shu-Hui Chen
4.王育民 老師 Dr. Ju Ming Wang
5.曾大千 老師 Dr. Ta Chien Tseng
6.劉宗霖 老師 Dr. Tsunglin Liu
7.張文綺 老師 Dr. Wen-Chi Chang
8.林世杰 老師Dr. Shih-Chieh Lin
9.創源生技 專員 GGA Corporation
10.黃兆立 老師Dr. Chao-Li Huang
三、課程內容滿意程度 Satisfaction Questionnaire for course content
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisified
3.林世杰 老師 Dr. Shih-Chieh Lin
4.孫孝芳 老師 Dr. H.Sunny Sun
5.孫孝芳 老師 Dr. H.Sunny Sun
6.王育民 老師 Dr. Ju-Ming Wang
8.劉宗霖 老師 Dr. Tsunglin Liu
9.劉宗霖 老師 Dr. Tsunglin Liu
10.曾大千 老師 Dr. Ta Chien Tseng
11.曾大千 老師 Dr. Ta Chien Tseng
12.陳淑慧 老師 Dr. Shu-Hui Chen
13.創源生技 專員 GGA Corporation
14.黃兆立 老師 Dr. Chao-Li Huang
15.孫孝芳/蔡少正 Dr. H.Sunny Sun/ Dr. Shaw-Jenq Tsai
16.孫孝芳/蔡少正 Dr. H.Sunny Sun/ Dr. Shaw-Jenq Tsai
17.孫孝芳/蔡少正 Dr. H.Sunny Sun/ Dr. Shaw-Jenq Tsai
四、教學意見評量 Student Feedback Questionnaires
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
1.採翻轉教室上課後,我會更主動學習 I become more aggressive to learn through the way of flipped classroom.
2.課前使用影片預習能更彈性學習 It is more flexible to learn via the pre-class video
3.用IRS上課讓我更專注上每堂課 Using IRS system makes me more concentrated on class.
4.配合IRS使用,增加上課趣味性 Using IRS system makes the class more interesting.
5.課堂中和老師及同學互動機會增加 Chances of interacting with teachers and classmates have increased.
6.IRS即時公布解答能讓你知道該單元需加強的部分 The questions can be answered immediately, and you can understand the parts that need to be strengthened.
7.翻轉教室對課程吸收有幫助 The flipped classroom is helpful for learning to the course.
8.課程內容有助我的研究 The course is helpful to my research.
9.回家後我會針對上課需加強部分做複習 I always review the part that I need to improve after the class.
10.你對課前自己預習是否有什麼困難 Is there any difficulty you have encountered when you preview the course before the class?
11.你覺得學習指令界面分析工具,對研究上有哪些幫助? Do the learning comment mode tools have any help with the research?
12.你喜歡這門課程的那方面 Which part do you like in this course?
13.你不喜歡這門課程的那方面 Which part that you don’t like in this course?
14.你對期末報告的看法 What is your opinion about the final project?
15.您認為哪一組的報告最優秀? Which group do you think is the best one?
16.您認為哪一組的出題內容最優秀? Which group do you think the questions are the best?
17.其他意見:Other comments